Clark State Forest

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2 Service Rd
Henryville, IN 47126


(812) 294-4306

About Clark State Forest

Founded in 1903, Clark State Forest is the oldest state forest in Indiana, and over the next 96 years, further acquisitions have expanded the area to 24,000 acres today. Much of this land was originally part of the Clark National Wildlife Refuge, which was provided by Governor Winfield Durbin's administration for the conservation of natural resources such as water, air, land and water quality.

The Clark National Wildlife Refuge and the Clark State Forest are both part of the Indiana National Park System, the largest national park system in the United States.

Camping is possible for a fee, and there is a self-check station at the entrance of each campsite.

Camping is also possible at Clark National Wildlife Refuge and Clark State Forest without charge.

Each pitch has a pit toilet and seasonal drinking water, and each pitch is equipped with a fireplace, picnic tables, picnic table and water well. The equestrian campsites offer a variety of possibilities for visitors who camp on horses, such as horse riding, riding on hiking trails or riding on the lawns.

In the forest there is a picnic area with picnic tables and barbecues, and a dump is available. A fireplace with pit toilet, picnic table and water fountain are available for daily use, as well as an outdoor shower and shower house.

The property also includes an open area with picnic area with picnic tables, picnic table and water fountain, as well as an outdoor shower house.

Hiking is allowed on the property, which also includes a fire horse trail, and hiking is allowed on all trails. Hikers and riders should wear hunting orange or light clothing such as hunting boots during the hiking and hunting season.

Riding is only permitted on designated riding trails, and all horses brought, driven, or ridden into the Clark State Forest must have a valid annual horse usage stamp.

The area has wide trails that improve wilderness openings and ponds, as well as access to a variety of wildlife habitats such as wild flowers, birds and wildlife.

The wide beginner's trail crosses a stream, passes through several vistas, cuts the back of a camel, turns around and cuts through a stream, then returns to the trailhead. The path turns left at the stream and then right to the other side of the stream and back again.

The highlands are bordered by a series of hills and valleys, with a few small valleys in the middle and a small valley at the end.

The path is wide - lined with a series of hills and valleys, with a few small valleys in the middle and a small valley at the end of each.

The river crossings are constantly changing, and the river crossing is constantly changing, with a river on one side and a stream on the other side of the path.

This wide, long path with moderate gradients crosses a variety of topographies and is free of obstacles. There are some sections of the path where heavy use is expected, such as the river crossing, but there are many areas where it is not expected.

The Clark State Forest Trail, a one-mile trail through the forests of Clark County, is one of the most scenic hiking trails in the state of California.

The width of the path can be 4-6 feet and can be used for either a single or a double ride. The rugged trail is designed for riding on a frequently changing terrain with a variety of substrates such as boulders, rocks, trees and rocky landscapes. Accidents such as fallen trees and other natural hazards can and will occur, as can accidents involving other hikers.

The S.R.A. Lake offers 5 km of mountain bike trails, but mountain bikes are only allowed on designated trails and only on a limited number of trails.


What is the phone number for Clark State Forest?

The phone number for Clark State Forest is (812) 294-4306.

Where is Clark State Forest located?

Clark State Forest is located at 2 Service Rd , Henryville, IN 47126

What is the internet address for Clark State Forest?

The website (URL) for Clark State Forest is

What is the latitude and longitude of Clark State Forest?

You can use Latitude: 38.55295950 Longitude: -85.76686720 coordinates in your GPS.

Is there a key contact at Clark State Forest?

You can contact Clark State Forest at (812) 294-4306.

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Hours of Operation

7:30 AM 3:30 PM
7:30 AM 3:30 PM
7:30 AM 3:30 PM
7:30 AM 3:30 PM
7:30 AM 3:30 PM
Closed Closed
Closed Closed



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