Knob Noster State Park

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873 SE 10 Rd
Knob Noster, MO 65336


(660) 563-2463

About Knob Noster State Park

Knob Noster State Park is the ideal place to relax and forget all the worries of the world for just a few hours. The park is an interesting mix of prairie, savanna and forest and is the basis of this often overlooked gem. It is a beautiful lake with spectacular views of KnobNoster Lake and the Great Smoky Mountains.

Non-motorized boats are available, and several smaller lakes in the park accommodate fishermen, as well as a small ramp for kayaking and canoeing and a picnic area.

Adventurers can relax on several trails in the park, including horse riding trails and cycle paths.

Aspiring naturalists will love to wander through one of the savanna restoration areas and discover the many bird species in this park. Recognize and take a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in upstate New York and the Appalachian Trail in Colorado.

For visitors who want to enjoy more than just a few hours here, there are wooded campsites and modern amenities. Knob Noster State Park offers a variety of campsites for adults and children, as well as two group camps, each offering a wide range of amenities including picnic tables, showers and toilets. Services include campsites, picnic areas, water, fireplace, toilets, campfire, picnic area and much more.

Most state parks have a variety of simple campsites, including some electric campsites that use basic equipment and electricity. Many of the warehouses have coin-operated washing facilities, but reservations are not required. These places offer a wide range of amenities such as picnic tables, showers, toilets, picnic areas, fireplaces and much more.

Since 2006, reservations have been accepted in 34 state parks, and reservations for campsites in all parks are available to the first - upcoming - users. To book a reservable location, follow the instructions on the Vacant map and ask the staff of the property. On days or days - until - when the seats are not reserved, First - Come - First Service users can occupy available, reservable campsites.

Although almost all campsites in State Park are open year-round, electricity is not available during the summer months. Water and showers are available on weekends and public holidays, as well as on certain days of the year such as Christmas and New Year. Knob Noster Roaring Fork River Campground, the largest campground in upstate New York, is open until February 25.

Camping is limited to a maximum of 2,000 square metres per person per day and per campsite.

Other specific administrative regulations may apply to the exhibition of exhibits suitable for public parks and historical sites.

Reservation customers must arrive at least 24 hours before the start of their stay, and parks and historic sites are required to hold reserved spaces for 24 hours. This means that reserved seats remain empty until the first night when customers arrive the next morning. A vacancy sign means that a first-come, first-served seat has been rented for the night and all reservations for that night have been fully reserved and paid for. This means that the reserved space will remain empty on the day of reservation, except for a short period after the reservation has been made or until the reservation has been made.

Campers are asked not to bring firewood from Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, where emerald ash is widespread. Firewood can be sold in the parking lot at Knob Noster State Park, or you can bring your own. The collection of firewood is strictly forbidden and may only be allowed in the summer months (June to October).

Pets are allowed in all parking lots, including toilets, showers and houses, but must be kept on a secured leash, which is at least 5 meters from the entrance of the park and must never be left unattended. Pets are also allowed at all bathing areas including the beach, as long as the water is reserved for fishing. Pets are not allowed in the parking lot or in a parking lot, including toilet, shower or house.

Citizens over 65 years of age and disabled persons are entitled to reduced camping fees when registering, but must present an official document, such as a driving licence, to prove age and disability.

Individuals and families who camp and do not violate the park rules will receive a certificate or plaster. RV cards are available in all state parks and historic sites, but must be checked by a campsite employee.

Catfish, perch, bluethroat and cappie are some of the fish that anglers catch while fishing at Knob Noster State Park. In the park there are a variety of fish species such as perch, trout, bluefish, wallise, redfish and whitefish, to offer visitors the opportunity to fish.

The most common way to fish here is bank fishing, but adult anglers must behave as described in the Wildlife Code of Missouri. Smaller boats such as canoes can be carried from the parking lot to the water and started by hand. There are no boat moorings and in the winter months, when the park can be closed for a certain period due to flooding, fishing is not possible.

Electric motors can be used for towing, but electric motors must be pre-programmed for operation by the boatman and cannot be charged.

Hiking trails lead visitors to various habitats in the park and offer a variety of animal and plant observation opportunities. The McAdoo Trail is one of the most popular hiking trails in Knob Noster State Park. This trail is open for hiking and there are several kilometers of hiking trails, one of which is up to a mile away.

Visitors who have only spent a few hours in the park can take the Discovery Trail, which is marked with different colored arrows.

It starts at the campsite, winds its way to the visitor centre and then follows a short path along the creek before reaching the camper van park again. This three to four mile loop is rich in wildflowers in spring and summer and offers a view of the name Creek, where minnows, frogs, birds and deer are common. The two-kilometre-long path offers visitors a glimpse into the past, starting with the first shower house. It starts at the campsite and winds its way through the visitor centre, past the main entrance of the park and some old buildings.

This forest path opens up the prairie and leads visitors through the damp undergrowth covered with spring and summer wild flowers. On the way, one can easily imagine the landscape as it appeared to the settlers as they wandered through the once widespread plant communities.

A connecting path, marked with white arrows, shortens the length of the trail by about 1.5 km. Possible game-watching routes are the north, south and east-west paths as well as the south, east and west-north paths.

Lake Buteo is inhabited by a mixture of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, birds of prey and other wildlife.

The trail is slightly longer than half a mile and has a very small section that runs along the park road due to beaver activity near the lake. The open forest, dominated by oaks and hickory trees, enriches the path with a variety of plant, animal and animal species. Due to the diversity of habitats along the paths, many different plants and animals can be seen and heard.

Wildflowers are abundant in spring and summer, and abundant in autumn and winter in the winter months.

This half-mile loop provides access to a large open forest management area known as Clearfork Savanna and offers scenic views of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The clearance is managed by the National Forest Service, while the area around the Possum Basin is only managed to a limited extent. This half mile loop provides excellent access for hikers, campers and visitors to Knob Noster State Park.

At the other end of Redbud Lane there is a 1.5 km footpath, but visitors who are near the main campsite will have to drive to reach this path.

Many areas of the park were once open forests, and an area with opossum pits is currently being restored and managed to provide an example of habitat. The 7. 1 km trail is one of two trails in Knob Noster State Park, the other a 1.5 km trail. This path leads to the main campsite and a number of other campsites, as well as some other hiking trails. The walkers on this path pass through a section of forest that contains the oldest continuous forest in the parks, along with the remains of an old, growing forest.

The old Iron Bridge can be crossed over Clearfork Creek, over the creek at the other end of the trail and then over the river to the main campsite.

The path has plenty of water - retention areas in heavy rainfall, so there is a chance of hoofed traces and users should plan accordingly. Conservationists offer a variety of programs, including hiking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking and other activities.

Each programme lasts a maximum of one hour and is free of charge, but is open to all ages and abilities and to the public. To find out if a programme is planned for the current week or if a group programme can be arranged, call the Nature Park Guide. The weekly schedule is posted on bulletin boards in the campsites and in the visitor centre. Note the various programs offered weekly, such as hiking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking and other activities.

Reservations are not required, except as indicated in the Knob Noster Nature Park Guide and the Visitor Centre brochure.

The program is designed to support groups that earn near-natural badges or simply follow the park's mission to learn more about Missouri's natural history. Parents should accompany their children to the programme and for group programmes at least two weeks are preferred.

Conservationists also offer a number of special events at Knob Noster State Park that must be booked in advance, such as hiking, camping, canoeing, kayaking or kayaking.


What is the phone number for Knob Noster State Park?

The phone number for Knob Noster State Park is (660) 563-2463.

Where is Knob Noster State Park located?

Knob Noster State Park is located at 873 SE 10 Rd , Knob Noster, MO 65336

What is the internet address for Knob Noster State Park?

The website (URL) for Knob Noster State Park is

What is the latitude and longitude of Knob Noster State Park?

You can use Latitude: 38.74839480 Longitude: -93.58584560 coordinates in your GPS.

Is there a key contact at Knob Noster State Park?

You can contact Knob Noster State Park at (660) 563-2463.

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