Tomales Bay State Park

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1100 Pierce Point Rd
Inverness, CA 94937


(415) 669-1140

About Tomales Bay State Park

Coast Miwok were among the first to inhabit the sheltered bay at Bishopsgate, now known as Tomales Bay State Park. Sir Francis Drake was the first, followed by the Spaniards in 1595 and then the English in 1601. Russian and German scientists explored the area in the early 19th century, but not until the end of the 19th century.

Property developers began buying up large areas of land on the beach, prompting residents and conservationists to preserve the area as a park. Tomales Bay State Park was officially opened to the public in 1952 and explored by botanist Willis Willis. Two beautiful hiking trails were named after the professor and planner. The 8-mile round trip takes in Shell Beach, but there is a 2.5 mile loop from Bishopsgate and a 1.2 mile round trip - a drive from the park's main entrance. The bay is full of flowering plants and many species of trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers.

The park has a microclimate and sunny days and pleasant temperatures when other coastal regions are wet and cold. The Johnstone Trail leads from Heart of Desire Beach to Shell Beach, and Reyes and San Francisco Bay try to reach Tomales Bay State Park. A group of residents, conservationists and the California State Parks Department have worked hard to preserve Tomaleas Bay and turn part of it into a state park.

Follow signs to Tomales Bay State Park on the north side of San Francisco Bay, turn right and drive to Shell Beach, approximately half a mile south of the beach.

The signposted Johnstone Trail starts at the southern end of Tomales Bay State Park and leads directly to Shell Beach, the park's most popular beach, and the beach itself. Along the way there are plaques with pine trees and a small beach with picnic tables and picnic tables.

The Johnstone Trail turns southwest and begins to turn into a wooded slope, and the wetter parts of the coastal slope are dotted with ferns. The road leads to an asphalt road, and at the fork in the road a short side road leads directly to Pebble Beach. Half an hour's drive away is Shell Beach, the most popular beach and picnic spot on the beach.

To get to Shell Beach, cross Johnstone Trail on the left and pass Pebble Beach on the right.

The Johnstone Trail offers scenic views of the bay from Shell Beach to the north and the beach to the south. The path climbs up a coastal slope and strategically placed benches allow walkers to enjoy views of Pebble Beach, the Bay Bridge, Monterey Bay and other scenic features.

This trail leads a few miles through the Madron oak forest to Shell Beach and then on to Desire Beach at the above-mentioned intersection. This path leads to the beach and offers a picturesque view of the Bay Bridge and Monterey Bay from the south.

These pines are relatively rare in the coastal region of California and reproduce only slowly. They are called fire pines because they need the heat of fire to break off and release their needles. The Bishoffjaw has two needles in its waistband and the Monterey Pine has three needles for a bouquet.

The park is located in Tomales Bay State Park, California, north of San Francisco Bay. The nearest parks are in Santa Cruz County, San Jose County and San Mateo County in California.

Tomales Bay State Park is one of the largest state parks in the state of California, covering a total area of 1.5 million square feet.


What is the phone number for Tomales Bay State Park?

The phone number for Tomales Bay State Park is (415) 669-1140.

Where is Tomales Bay State Park located?

Tomales Bay State Park is located at 1100 Pierce Point Rd , Inverness, CA 94937

What is the internet address for Tomales Bay State Park?

The website (URL) for Tomales Bay State Park is

What is the latitude and longitude of Tomales Bay State Park?

You can use Latitude: 38.12923500 Longitude: -122.89540900 coordinates in your GPS.

Is there a key contact at Tomales Bay State Park?

You can contact Tomales Bay State Park at (415) 669-1140.

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